0 6 October 2017

Prepared by: V.Sharmila PT.,MPT(Ortho)

What is steam inhalation?

This form of hydrotherapy involves hot, moist air from steam being breathed into the respiratory tract to help relieve coughing and congestion.

How does it work and what are the benefits?
The hot, wet air from the steam will liquefy the mucous in your nose and respiratory tract, making it easier to cough up. The steam also acts by heating the inside of your nose and respiratory tract, which causes an increase in circulation and a decrease in congestion.

Help remove mucous from the respiratory system. Decrease congestion Therefore, steam inhalations might be helpful with:

  • Coughs
  • Sinusitis
  • Laryngitis
  • Sore throat
  • Respiratory tract congestion
  • Dry, thick mucous

Adding aromatic oils such as eucalyptus oil, thyme, or oregano oil can: Increase the effects of treatment Add infection fighting properties to the therapy. Add a nice fragrance

What are the cautions of steam inhalation?

  • Steam inhalations are not recommended for everyone.
  • The very young or old should not try this, along with those with congestive heart failure
  • cardiac asthma
  • Other serious heart problems.
  • If adding aromatic oils, one should not add more than 3 drops to the water as it may cause toxic exposure and harm.

What Materials do you need?

This type of hydrotherapy can be very easily conducted from the comfort of one’s own home and requires minimal amounts of materials:

  • A kettle
  • Water
  • 2 towels
  • A glass bowel
  • Optional: aromatic oils or essential oils

How is this done?


  • Boil the water with the kettle
  • Pour the water into the glass bowl. Optional: add a few drops of aromatic oils.
  • Lean over the bowel at a comfortable distance and cover your head with the towel to create a tent. Warning, do not lean too close to the water as it may cause burning or irritation of the eyes.
  • Breathe slowly and deeply for 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Wash face with cold water and dry with a towel. Rest for at least half an hour.
  • Repeat up to 3 times per day.
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