0 25 February 2020

Fallopian tubes are female reproductive organs that connect the ovaries and the uterus. Every month during ovulation, which occurs roughly in the middle of a menstrual cycle, the fallopian tubes carry an egg from an ovary to the uterus. If a fallopian tube is blocked, the passage for sperm to get to the eggs, as well as the path back to the uterus for the fertilized egg, is blocked. Common reasons for blocked fallopian tubes include pelvic inflammatory disease, Endometriosis, Fibroids, STIs, past ectopic pregnancy or abdominal surgery. Talk to our fertility expert before treatment to understand your chances for a successful pregnancy with blocked fallopian tubes.
DRM( Reproductive medicine), D.Mas( Laproscopy – Germany)
Mon to friday 10 am to 4pm
Saturday 10 am to 1pm only
Contact – 0416 2253400, 0416 2252114, 0416 – 2909192

0 19 February 2020

To make baby food truly healthy and safe, changes must be made to their composition and promotion, particularly :
1) Limiting Sugar
2) Reducing Salt
3) Improving Labeling
When sugar craving in childhood goes unchecked – they lead to various diseases like childhood obesity, Hormonal imbalance , dental caries & cavities.
Long term effects like pcos in girls, diabetes in young children, obesity related arthritis in young adults can be prevented.
DRM( Reproductive medicine), D.Mas( Laproscopy – Germany)
Mon to friday 10 am to 4pm
Saturday 10 am to 1pm only
Contact – 0416 2252114, 0416 – 2909192

Posted in Blog
0 11 February 2020


## Dear ladies , please do make your health a priority. If you have a issue with ur periods or white discharge or breast pain or nearing menopause hot flushes and mood swings – do feel free to approach our expert team of gynecologists headed by

Mon to fri ( 10 am to 5pm)
Saturday ( 10 am to 1pm only)
24 × 7 emergency and Trauma care available.
Contact : 0416 – 2252114, 0416 – 2909192

0 7 February 2020

Perimenopause is the transition into menopause. It occurs when your ovaries gradually begin to produce less of the hormone estrogen. Since the hormonal balance of your body is changing, it’s normal to experience symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. You may also notice your metabolism slowing down and have bloated sensation of abdomen often.You might be experiencing frequent mood swings and restlessness which may not be your true nature. Feel free to discuss your peri menopausal symptoms which occur usually after 40 years with our Team of expert gynecologists headed by DR.SUNITHA SIVAKUMAR MD(og), DRM, D.Mas( Germany)

Consultation timings :
10 am to 5pm( mon to fri)
10 am to 1pm ( sat)
For appointments and enquiries – contact 0416 – 2253400, 0416 – 2252114

Posted in Blog, GYNAECOLOGY
0 4 February 2020

#Did you know that overweight and obese #women have higher levels of a hormone called leptin, which is produced in fatty tissue. This can disrupt the hormone balance and lead to reduced #fertility. Increased weight in #men has been associated with a lower testosterone level, poorer #sperm quality, and reduced fertility as well.

On harmonal imbalance associated weight gain and ways to balance the Harmones to achieve better Balance . Kindly book an appointment with our expert team of drs headed by

Dr.Sunitha sivakumar Md( og),
DRM( Reproductive medicine), D.Mas( Laproscopy – Germany)
Senior gyneacologist consultant & Laproscopic surgeon
Appointments :
Mon to friday ( 10 am to 6pm)
Sat ( 10 am to 1pm)
For further details- www.drsivakumarhospital.com

0 30 January 2020

A threatened abortion occurs when a pregnant patient at less than 20 weeks gestation, presents with vaginal bleeding, The cervical os is closed on physical exam. The patient may also experience abdominal cramping and pain. Vaginal bleeding usually begins first followed by cramping abdominal pain hours to days later. Bleeding is the most predictive risk factor for pregnancy loss. More than half of threatened abortions will abort. The risk of spontaneous abortion, in a patient with a threatened abortion, is less if fetal cardiac activity is present.

For appointments and clarifications :
Dr.SUNITHA SIVAKUMAR MD( OG), DRM( reproductive medicine), D.MAS( Germany)
Consultant gyneacologist & laproscopic surgeon.
Timings : 10 am to 6pm( mon to friday)
10 am to 1pm ( saturday)
Contact : 0416 – 2252114, 0416 – 2253400
photo_2020-01-30_17-53-18 (2)

0 23 January 2020

Many young girls above 14 yrs and women in middle age below 50 yrs can experience severe abdominal pain and low back pain during periods.

We live in the MYTH- increased pain is common during periods.

FACT : Mild tiredness and minimal cramps are common. If the pain disturbs your regular work then you need to consult a gyneac asap.

# Causes are different #Evaluation is a must # Right Diagnosis # Endometriosis

# Regular exercise # Healthy diet # Keep a pad count always # Ideal weight maintenance #Your health Is your PRIORITY.

For further clarifications on this – Please visit our expert team of gynecologists – Headed by

Dr.Sunitha Sivakumar
MD( og), DRM (reproductive medicine), D.MAS( Laproscopy , Germany).
Senior Consultant Gyneacologist & Laproscopic surgeon.
Timings :
10 am to 6pm ( mon to fri)
10 am to 2pm ( saturday)
For Appointments :
Contact – 0416 2253400, 0416 – 2252114

Posted in Blog, GYNAECOLOGY
0 21 January 2020
  • Gestational diabetes is nothing but increased blood sugar levels in pregnancy time.
  • 1st visit to your doctor – apart from routine investigations its mandatory to check your blood sugar levels and Ghba1c levels.
  • If either of your parents are a diabetic, its important you mention this during the first few visits as you might need a early screening test for detecting GDM.
  • If you are a gestational diabetic, your BABY IS AT INCREASED RISK.

#Excessive weight gain
# Congenital anomalies ( if sugars r not in control)
# Excessive amniotic fluid levels
# Onset of hypertension ( pih) in last few weeks
# Placental disorders
For appointments : Call 0416 – 2253400, 0416 – 2252114.

0 14 January 2020

Myth :Pregnancy is pressurising.
Ans: Pregnancy is enjoyable for people who plan it. Unplanned pregnancies can be stressful. So be clear and plan your pregnancy at the right time suited for u.
Myth 2: Too much vomiting in 1st few months then u t carrying a baby girl.
Ans: Sex of the baby has nothing to do with the way you look or the frequency of vomiting during pregnancy
Myth 3: Doing daily walking excercise and pregnancy yoga can produce preterm babies.
Ans: Pregnancy yoga and walking daily for 30 to 40 mins is beneficial to the pregnant lady and her baby. Its essential.
Myth 4: Having stomach full meals will produce chubby babies.
Ans: Having healthy balanced food thats rich in protein, iron, vitamins, fibre & essential amount of fats is essential for a healthy well nourished baby in womb.
For complete comprehansive pregnancy care – book ur appointment @ Gyneac department 0416 2253400, 0416 – 2252114.
Our expert team of doctors and mid wives can make ur preganancy journey an memorable one.
For consultation
Mon to friday 10 am to 6pm
Saturday : 10 am to 2pm

0 11 January 2020
  • # Always have a positive mindset during your pregnancy – it helps to form a harmonial environment for baby to grow well
  • # 1st 3 months can be little stressful with bouts of vomiting, tiredness and frequest urination but believe in yourself and hydrate yourself with min.3 litres of water per day.
  • # your baby breathes within amniotic fluid inside the uterus – so if u r dehydrated it can be difficult for ur baby to grow well
  • # First 3 months – Folic acid intake is a must to prevent birth defects in newborn
  • # Regular antenatal check ups with ur gynecologist is essential to promote a healthy pregnancy and to ensure adequate baby growth.
  • # Vaccination with 2 shots of injection. TT in 5th and 7th month of pregnancy or a single shot of injection .Tdap at 28 weeks of pregnancy ensures your baby is well secured from certain common infections
  • # 5th Month ANOMALY scan is extremely important to diagnose any major anomaly in new born
  • # Genetic screening to diagnose disease like down syndrome is done as early as 12 weeks to 14 weeks of pregnancy and is very essential
  • # Last weeks few weeks – your nutrition and the position u lie down while resting becomes very important
  • # After 20 weeks avoid lying down supine on your back – as it mught reduce adequate blood supply to ur baby. Instwad lie d

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