What is hysteroscopy?
0 26 March 2020

Hysteroscopy is a way to look inside the uterus. A hysteroscope is a thin, telescope-like device that is inserted into the uterus through the vagina and cervix. It may help us diagnose or treat a uterine problem. It is often combined with a curettage, which samples the lining of the uterus.

Why is a hysteroscopy performed?
To diagnose certain problems, we need to look directly into the inside of the uterus.Common reasons for undergoing a hysteroscopy include the assessment of heavy periods, abnormal vaginal bleeding, post -menopausal bleeding, fibroids, polyps, or as part of the assessment of fertility. You should have a clear understanding of your reason for this surgery —— if not, please ask your doctor.

How is hysteroscopy performed?
Hysteroscopy is minor surgery that may be done in a operating room. It is performed under local or general anesthesia depending upon the pts condition and whether its diagnostic or operative procedure . The cervix is widened (dilated)and a small 2.9mm telescope is passed to look at the inside of the uterus. A sample of the lining is often taken to be examined more closely. It is also possible to remove a polyp or a pedunculated fibroid with a operative hysteroscope ( 4mm). This procedure does not involve any cuts or stitches to the abdomen. A diagnostic hysteroscopy takes approximately 30 minutes but in an operative hysteroscopy – you can expect to be in theatre and recovery for 1.5 to 2.5 hours also.

For More clarifications,
Dr.Sunitha Sivakumar ,
Md(og), DRM(Reproductive medicine), D.Mas(Laproscopy Germany)
Senior consultant & Laproscopic surgeon

DR.Sivakumar Multispeciality hospital,
Opp.to collector office, sathuvachari.
0416 – 2253400, 0416- 2252114





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